Trollbeads Freedom Feather Pendant
- Sterlingsølv
- Vægt 4,36g
- 2016
Have the courage of your ideas and do not fear the consequences because we are only free when we can express our thoughts.
Trollbeads Freedom Feather Pendant
Have the courage of your ideas and do not fear the consequences because we are only free when we can express our thoughts.
Mandag - torsdag 9.30-17.30
Fredag 9.30 - 18.00
Lørdag 9.30-14.00
N.H. Jørgensen
Centrumgaden 7
2750 Ballerup
CVR: 30819330
Brug for hjælp?
Du kan kontakte vores kundeservice på:
Telefon: +45 44 97 10 06
Telefon & mail besvares hurtigst muligt
Mandag - fredag fra 10.00 - 14.00