Trollbeads Santa's Elf Lock
- Sterlingsølv
- Vægt 3,28g
- Kollektion Vinter 2021
On one side, get help from Santa's elf. On the other side, feel comforted by the Green Onyx that has the power to relieve worries, tension and stress.
Trollbeads Santa's Elf Lock
On one side, get help from Santa's elf. On the other side, feel comforted by the Green Onyx that has the power to relieve worries, tension and stress.
Mandag - torsdag 9.30-17.30
Fredag 9.30 - 18.00
Lørdag 9.30-14.00
N.H. Jørgensen
Centrumgaden 7
2750 Ballerup
CVR: 30819330
Brug for hjælp?
Du kan kontakte vores kundeservice på:
Telefon: +45 44 97 10 06
Telefon & mail besvares hurtigst muligt
Mandag - fredag fra 10.00 - 14.00