Trollbeads Long Life Bead
- Sterlingsølv
- Vægt 2,89g
- 2023
Carry with you the wisdom of the turtle.
The Citrine Quartz will shield you from negative thoughts and help you live with serenity.
Trollbeads Long Life Bead
Carry with you the wisdom of the turtle.
The Citrine Quartz will shield you from negative thoughts and help you live with serenity.
Mandag - torsdag 9.30-17.30
Fredag 9.30 - 18.00
Lørdag 9.30-14.00
N.H. Jørgensen
Centrumgaden 7
2750 Ballerup
CVR: 30819330
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Telefon: +45 44 97 10 06
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Mandag - fredag fra 10.00 - 14.00